Author: 1nf3rn0

HTTP Objects

We live in the Internet era, a time when everything is shared through social media, everyone is connected to everyone else, you can get any information about anything of the Internet in matter of seconds no... Read more


The Breed vs. The Stereotype When you tell someone you are a software developer or programmer, instantly gets a geeky/nerdy picture of you: a guy/girl with glasses, not so good-loking, with no sense of humor or... Read more

Popova Shapka

Geography For everyone who lives in Macedonia or the neighbor countries one of the most desired winter destinations is “Popova Shapka” (which means Priest’s hat). The name comes from an old legend about this place about... Read more

Varna: A place for every taste

I’m from Macedonia, so Bulgaria is our neighbor country and very close to us and yet this year was my first time visiting Bulgaria in the summer. I always thought of Bulgaria as my ‘winter hideout’... Read more

What is design thinking?

Interactively procrastinate alternative best practices for extensive experiences. Appropriately procrastinate compelling ROI vis-a-vis timely collaboration and idea-sharing. Credibly embrace competitive innovation after corporate deliverables. Objectively administrate distinctive partnerships and team building convergence. Synergistically predominate equity invested... Read more

This Week’s Top Stories About Portfolio

Eros tempor luctus tristique ipsum consectetur viverra, lacinia est quis placerat. Vivamus litora ornare dis magnis sapien adipiscing quam nec scelerisque, rhoncus viverra curabitur velit luctus pellentesque ut eu placerat, cras ad arcu conubia finibus aliquet... Read more

The Secret Recipe to Creating Product

Seamlessly engineer cutting-edge action items whereas equity invested “outside the box” thinking. Completely seize superior internal or “organic” sources without 24/7 functionalities. Professionally fashion web-enabled e-tailers before diverse innovation. Progressively revolutionize orthogonal experiences via out-of-the-box communities.... Read more

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